
TRADERSAI - A.I. Powered Model Trades for Today, THU 08/15

The Doublespeak from China and our Politicians Driving the Markets Yo-Yo

The naive and clueless policy-by-tweet politicians (not "leaders" - we seem to have no leadership anywhere anymore at this moment) driving our economic governance (or, lack thereof), and the cunning opponent's deeply strategic moves defining the trade war, investors are being left dazed and confused with the whiplashes the markets are experiencing of late.

As we stated earlier this week, "tread (and, trade) carefully, leaving enough room for sudden spikes in either direction". Today is likely going to be yet another day of empty-headed tweets and headlines about the trade war feeding knee jerk moves in the markets.

Of course, our job here is not to idly pontificate about politicians and leadership but to try to identify potential investment and trading opportunities emerging from their speech and actions. Read below for our models' trading plans for the day.


#ES #ESMINI #SP500 #SPX #SPY #Fed #China #Yuan #Yields #Rates #Tariffs #Tradewar #recession

