
Sector Winners and Losers week ending 1/29

Real Estate (XLRE) and Utilities (XLU) are the top sectors for the week. Ouch!

None of the sectors ended the week with gains as the S&P 500 pulled back -3.31%.

Utilities led as the market opened on Monday morning. Communications (XLC) took a very brief lead on Tuesday, but the Real Estate took the top spot.

Consumer Staples (XLP) attempted to take the lead on Wednesday, but couldn't hold the lead and ended in third place.

Energy (XLE) was the worst performing sector of the week.

The chart clearly shows the wild ride for the sectors on the last three days of the week. Wednesday had all sectors losing for the day. On Thursday, all sectors advanced. On Friday all sectors declined again.

The relatively smooth ride for Real Estate, Utilities and Consumer Staples represents their position as defense moves for investors. All three sectors represent parts of the economy that must continue, even if other parts are recovering slowly or even failing.

