
Buckle up as SPX history's ride is not over

Upon research, waves ending in C33 (our current situation) perform wave extensions greater than 150.98% for the S&P 500 index. A cluster of wave extension maneuvers occur around 200% for this same dataset. Inside of Intermediate wave 3, where we should be now, we are also inside of Minor wave 3. Minor wave 1’s name structured ends in C31. It began shortly after the open on April 21 at 4512.94. It then dropped 312.12 points and ended before noon eastern time on April 25. Mathematically speaking 312.12 x 150.98% = 471.239. We would then take this value and subtract it from the level Minor wave 1 began from to determine a possible bottom for Minor wave 3. 150.98% could place the bottom around 4041.70. However, 150% is the minimum drop according to historical study of the index. The maximum drop is 401.66% of Minor wave 1 which would bound our possible drop here to 3259.28. I think we are safe from the latter, however, the most common drop zone is between 192.65% and 202.84%. I like strong pockets of data as long as they are realistic which is the case here. This means the index is not done with quick large drops. We could get below 3911.64 while remaining above 3879.84 within days. This is a minimum drop of 263.57 more points based on today’s close (3879.84 bottom = drop of 295.37).

