
[EN] W Recession in SP500 // GaliortiTrading

SP:SPX   標準普爾500指數
The next crisis will be very similar to that of the 2000-2010 period. At first, the economic crisis will condition a bursting of the technology and fast-growing stock bubble, only to be followed by a financial crisis after a short-lived recovery.

First floor: first quarter of 2025. SPX = 2.470
Second floor: second quarter of 2030: SPX = 2.100

Soft landing for the next quarters? Don't believe it! Bond market losses, office real estate in USA crisis, Citibank surprise indicators plummeting, manufacturing PMI, investment rate curve, real estate crisis and economic slowdown in China, historical record of credit card defaults (consumer collapse), cash flow difficulties of medium and small banks, reduction of the balance sheet of the FED and other major central banks, the effect of higher oil prices on the economy (restriction of oil production by Saudi Arabia/Russia), increase in the cost of refinancing the huge public debt due to high interest rates, ....

