
The Black Penguin Waddle of 2021


The chart is one possible visualization of the confluence of unpredictable high-impact events. For example:

  • February 24th, 2020 World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic and warned that "much of the global community is not yet ready, in mindset and materially,.." Over the following eleven months over 2 million lives were lost globally, more than 430,000 of the US.
    Wall Street hedge funds lost billions by betting against a group of amateur day traders who banded together on social media to execute a short squeeze. They sent shares of depressed companies like ( GME ) GameStop and AMC ( AMC ) up into the stratosphere, hurting the billionaire hedge funds that bet against those stocks. Called by some "The Grand Awakening" It was an unprecedented attempt to compete with the pros on Wall Street. The action raised questions of equity and policy reform to ensure a more level playing field.

1) The Black Penguin evokes the Black Swan* symbol from the 2007 book by author and former options trader Nassim Nicholas Taleb. The symbol of the Black Swan represents the extreme impact of rare and unpredictable outlier events.

