AI has no moral code. It doesn't CARE. 50 retrace, rinse repeat 3 X.

Black swan just off stage, waiting to take it. Currency wars, imbalance globally, Yen... does Japan save itself or the world economy, does the US come to their rescue and devalue dollar, stagflation is here, does FED lower rates, save the real estate industry the stock market and this November's voter's IRA's, and the US economy near future, camacazi until election is over, then dump, does the admin govt continue to find ways to add "stimulus" money to M supply by executive order (bypass congress) i.e. student loan forgiveness X3, what forbearance act is next stay tuned, banks are crashing, regionals next like dominoes, scare flag to intro the cbdc to the rescue (or try with social revolts in the streets - freedoms being stolen) , debt swaps galore, will be the big 6 left, and perhaps an event out of left field like a solar blast that shuts down the grid worldwide and it takes a year to build new transformers. So who do you believe in? Who do you trust? Who is your faith in? Jesus, yourself, or something of this world that will fail you? Have a wonderful day :)
Chart PatternsHarmonic PatternsWave Analysis
