S&P 500指數

From Powell To Your Home

Merry Christmas!

Lets get that one last FOMO pump into the New Year!

God Bless :)
If I am wrong with this idea you can just panic sell :D
I am currently following the trade on this chart and adjusting my stop loss up accordingly.

This looks like a false breakout on SPX and the type of action we expect to see when the market is topping. My trade from yesterday was stopped out in the money overnight. I made one mistake wherein I could've set my stop to a trailing stop before going to bed and I would've eked out more gains. I didn't think we would see the market as low as it was this morning. When I saw how low we were this morning I went long in a big way, very risky trade , but the 27860 entry was something I was looking for all week and on the hourly chart it looked perfect. And then that brings us to now. This move in SPX is screaming false break out. I want the market to grind higher and secure one close at ATHs before we sell off quickly after Christmas day.
But there is the risk that we grind higher finish the month strong, have a slight pull back and then rocket past this resistance to 3400. Watch the monthly and weekly charts going into the end of the year.
This is breakout. Posted confirmation IDEA.

