People are Euphoric because of the vaccine here are a few bullet points to not get sideswiped by the news of the pandemic hitting us before nearly anyone gets vaccinated.
1. The first ones to get vaccinated WILL BE the first responders. This makes sense because the first responders are necessary for fighting the disease so we will want them to be immune first! That means that the majority of other people out there that still aren't wearing masks won't get it until next year possibly April or May.
2. It takes two doses 30 days apart. The reason this is a big issue is that first off when they say we have 50 million doses to give people that means only 25 million people are going to be immune. AAANNNND we are currently in the third wave (see bullet three)
3. The third wave is hitting us hard for several reasons. ONE because of the news of vaccines coming out means that people can see the light at the end of the tunnel so people are less likely to socially distance and wear masks. Next, it is currently FLU SEASON which means transmission for any flu-like disease will spread much quicker. Finally, the spread is being especially fast right now because many aren't seeing this news upfront on major media because they are still covering the election results and how the stock market recovered.

THIS IS NOT TO SAY sell the market although that is what I am doing. It is just to say be careful out there. We still have a lot of uncertainty and buying this index at this really low price can be beneficial.

SO I am buying in AGAIN at 4.65ish I will continue to ride this up until about $10 which is when I will set a trailing stop so that if it does continue to rise I will continue to profit. Now I am expecting this to rise til $16 but I know that it can be a little FAR away so I'd rather not put all my eggs in that basket and be okay with taking profit right around $10
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