When Mr Market gets crazy so do the odds and leverage ratio's in this study step falls to a 10 level on the 5 year screen , so anchor the long dollar risk amount which was 3.13 or so on the Zero price mark, then slide the middle bar down towards it until the amount of shares goes to a level 3100 or 10 x from where you start for shares.
Now assuming you have done just a little fundamental analysis go hard and if your scared throw at least 500 bucks at these things. This is based on some cool DCF analysis's as well if you need more assurance, if you had discounted any stock 30 years back to today at 12.25%, you would be in the ball park especially if that price happened inside 1 year , now, what are the time odds if this stock makes a move, well here's where the study suggests we take a page out of Joel Greenbelt and hang on for a minimum of 3 years for our 10x plus return, even at 3 years the time odds are again 10x in your favor ,you didn't wait 30 only 3. Case studies AC,TCW,PD,YGR,BBD.B,HCG and so on,,,,,,,,,
