StoneCo Ltd.

$YETI $PT $STNE Share lockup expires 24/4/19 Short opportunity?

Lockup expiration on the 4/23/19 on all 3 names, this provides investors a opportunity to cash in their chips which can often lead to a fantastic short opportunity. Yeti is a standout name for 2019 rewarding investors with over 100% returns on investment. It is very understandable why selling would ensue tomorrow , we will wait to see what happens and maybe pick up a long position in the name if the price has considerable correction. PT on the other hand just looks like a disaster waiting to happen, the shorts are already in control in that stock. STNE is a W Buffett holding and the stock has sold off Thurday 18th on announced competition from a major bank but regained some ground to find support on the .65 fib.

