
Steem/BTC - Does it still have some STEEM left?

Just having fun tossing as many colors on the chart as physically possible..

I literally have no idea what any of it means... (lol, jk...kinda!)

Just having fun and learning a few things as I go... If you have some tips or tricks let me know..

Steem went up today and I think there will be a retracement before it's next big move up.

Let me know your prediction for STEEM below...Charts and/or knowledge that help the crypto community especially appreciated and always welcome!!
So I closed this trade cause I'm a noob here on TV and I title it STEEM rather than STRAT but it looks like my prediction is right on track!!!

Any Ellioticians out there with some tips for a noob??? I continue reading the Prechter book but my goodness it's a touch read... "the 5th wave of the 3rd wave in the continuation of the secondary...." holy crap batman!

