
Masternodes Confirmed

Stratis MasterNodes confirmed to be released and collecting fees in the next few weeks via interview with C.E.O. Chris Trew. Masternodes will provide anonymous transactions for Bitcoin in a decentralized, scalable, and trustless manner, while also rewarding Stratis Masternode holders between a 1-3% transaction fee for all Bitcoins tumbled. As of today there are no production level wallets that have Tumblebit integrated in a one click, user-friendly manner and seeing that Dash Masternodes are making around $2,000 a month with around 4,500 Dash Masternodes running, I think Stratis has a chance to bring in over $250,000/month in Bitcoin transaction fees. The Stratis Masternode needs 250,000 STRAT (decreasing circulating supply) and a minimum of 5 Bitcoin locked up so the requirements to own a Masternode are high, but Bitcoin moves over $10 billion every 24 hours and no other wallet currently provides near-instant anonymous transactions for Bitcoin. Stratis Masternode holders will expect to collect between $250,000-$500,000/month in BTC fees and I see the price per STRAT increasing exponentially in the next couple of weeks as big investors begin understanding the potential of passive Bitcoin income. Cheers!


