
Now look, I am not a crypto guru nor am I an optimist when it comes to cryptocurrency. However, I have been looking at a very specific project which is the strong token. I've studied the board and what the project does and how they help miners access data points for blockchain. I think the reward system is upmost attractive in this investment but also what strong does to help blockchains sustainability. The concerns that come to me when investing in this project are a few factors listed below.

- Hacked nodes ?
Why is there not a way to verify the user of the node, how many nodes do we know that have been hacked that are just constantly claiming rewards? (by the way, this interferes with the tokens true value)

- Sustainability
The board or even the CEO host weekly AMAS and can't seem to come across how to attack this problem, David Moss talks about sustainability but here we are circling back to cyberattacks on investors, in which return does build trust between the investor and strong in total.

- Ponzi?
Now it may seem far-fetched, the way strong has built their reward system SEEMS like a Ponzi scheme, in hindsight if you look at the rewards claimed versus the number of new nodes that come onto strongs database there are MORE rewards being claimed than there are NODES created.

The solution
If strong really want to fight back I would suggest them to attack all of the following because as much as this looks super good and a really attractive investment you have predominantly an unstable economic environment within strong. I do believe the only way strongs price will reach the highs and break it is if every single investor gets a ledger added to their account or a security interface to verify new users for the nodes. Additionally, if they also lower the reward system to make it NOT seem like it's a Ponzi, this may add value to the token.

What interests me the most is the barrier to entry in creating a node. It's a great project, the CEOs are quite consistent and have exceptional experience in tech which adds value to the strong token. I do believe there will be changes made with the strong token to actually ADD value in where we will see this token being the future.

