I think that this stock is starting out strong because of the amounts of cannabis being grown. ever since marijuana has been legalized for recreational use, hospitals have had access to the product no end, because of the rising amounts of cannabis growth in farms, greenhouses, etc.
If you are a passive investor i would not recommend purchasing shares of medical marijuana, because it is extremely volatile this industry belongs in the bull market.
when you check how your share of Tilray is doing for the first time in 2 weeks you might be surprised by how well or how unwell the stock is doing.
Sources that are often viewed by millions like Investors business daily, The wall street journal, and the New York times, say that by 2020 medical marijuana is going to be a top industry in the market when people heard this everyone started buying shares of medical marijuana but eventually the sales will have to start lowering, and that will be when the stock does too...
(thumbs down means when not to buy,thumb up means when to buy)