Crypto Total DeFi Market Cap, $

For the first time in months TOTAL is ABOVE TOTAL3

Total is the total crypto market cap. Total3 is total market cap minus BTC and ETH or Total3 is ALT coin market DeFi and anything not ETH or BTC. For the first time in months the whole market capp is stronger or seeing more action then ALTs. Is the time for bleeding at an end? it seems we are getting close to something anything different then a BEAR MARKET.

What do you all think please comment below
what i think we are seeing as ETH.D spikes same with DeFi.D and a few other indicators all looking like massive exit from DeFi into or via through WBTC ETH WETH n BTC or in general stuff like that you need to go through to get out of the crypto verse. The scary part is traditionally people just load up on stable coins in this type of situation but with all the stable coin drama of late esp with DAI and USDT we may seem some bigger exits from the market as a whole.

