TRON / Bitcoin

Has Bitmex Tron(TRX) futures ruined TRON?

With all the hype we saw in 2018 with TRON and now the fundamentals are coming together from its move away from being a common ERC20 and launch of its main net, our friends over at bitmex launched TRX's futures... and i think it ruined this old p&D

I think were going to retrace down to 300 ish where i'd pick some up for a trade back to 330-370... I'd be careful shorting it much past that, it looks like Bitmex has now come into the game of manipulating alts to be one trend-wonders lol Such as ETH! If you look at when Eth started future trading on the last contract with bitmex, and the price now.. it's had nearly a 50 percent decrease on the current ETHU18 contract...

Moral of the story, be careful trading any alts that are Bitmex'd influenced now!
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