
Short this garbage

Short this f*#*# garbage. Within the next month alone you will be up 30% and if you short via options way more than that. Tell Elon he is a f#**## ugly looking dude while you are at it. Garbage car, garbage bubble stock price. This will be below 200 in the year 2022. Count on it. It's what the chart says if you know how to read a fu### chart. I know most of you dont but if you did, you would know this.
It simply is not worth my time to respond to some of these comments. Clearly there are a bunch of kids who have no clue how to read a stock chart. Well, good luck to you! I would rather see you donate the money to a good cause rather than piss it away in the stock market but, well... you will learn.
The little boys who fantasize about being ELON I see like to find this post. I bet they have ELON posters on their wall as they go to sleep. Ohh ELON. hahaa. The little boys are funny.
