
Tesla Behaving So Far

So far this morning Tesla is behaving according to the count I laid out. We are supposed to be in B which is a 3-wave structure, however we are clearly making out a 5-wave pattern. This could just be the a wave of B of 2, but it is something to keep in your mind when we are approaching our local top as to the path Tesla will take next. I will try to remember to update my stops on here as we move upwards as they are imperative to capturing the most profit possible while still maintaining a trade position. Hopefully those of you that participated in this trade got in low and made some money!!

Bonam Fortunam,
This move has been strong but it seems to be puttering out a tad early. I raised my stop limit to $180.

If you bought in my box you should be at 8% profit minimum. Not to shabby for 2 days of trading
Stop triggered...$11.13 x 30 shares = $333.90 (6.6%) profit in 2 days

It'll prolly keep going up but at least I KNOW I captured this profit.

