Disclaimer: The analysis information is for reference only and does not constitute an investment recommendation.
HIGH RS $192
Un balance $143
Support $120
Low Support $107
Below $120 is bearish
Above $128 is bullish strong
Position Strategy
wave 0 ,
Entry 1
Set stop lose $116
Entry $118
exit 1 $137
exit 2 $143
Wave 2
entry 2
set stop lose $115
Entry $118
exit 1 $149
Wave 4
entry 3
set stop lose $136
entry $138
exit 1 $162
exit 2 $180
exit 3 194.32
Option chain Strategy
Option chain Trading Strategy "LONG"
Strike $135 exp date Jan 27th "Risk 50%", Win rate 50%"
Deduction of holding period per minute $.20 if market consolidation ,Deduction to continue over next business day $27 , $1 of gainer increase $38. $1 of loser subtraction $27 , not include time decay.
Strike $119 exp date FEB 3th "Risk 40%", Win rate 60%"
Deduction of holding period per minute $.30 if market consolidation ,Deduction to continue over next business day $22 , $1 of gainer increase $54. $1 of loser subtraction $19 , not include time decay.
Strike $119 exp date FEB 10th "Risk 20%", Win rate 80%"
Deduction of holding period per minute $. 10 if market consolidation ,Deduction to continue over next business day $14 , $1 of gainer increase $55. $1 of loser subtraction $19 , free of time decay.
Strike $119 exp date FEB 17th "Risk 10%", WIn rate 90%"
Deduction of holding period per minute $.10 if market consolidation ,Deduction to continue over next business day $10 , $1 of gainer increase $54. $1 of loser subtraction $10 , free time decay.