
Short sell the disgusting climate hoax

1 155
"It's very hard for people to reject what they have been taught their entire life since they were children even when presented with the evidence".
WEAK. Literally took me 1 second after seing the data to change my mind about the lies I was spoon fed my entire life since I was 5.
Donald Trump administration finally went against the dogma. Retiring scientists (their careers cannot be ruined anymore) are standing up to the establishment.
The truth is out and it will spread. We live in the internet age. They can try censoring it, but you cannot censor the whole internet. The truth will spread.
And all the GARBAGE, wasting, nature killing (ironic) companies built on the lie will collapse.

If you do not want an elite to control the world, push europe & na in misery, keep africa poor and even exterminate them, then you are a racist and a holocaust denier - er I mean "climate" denier. Climate change logic at its finest. They are actually dumber than middle ages witch burning peasants. And history does not exactly paint a very flattering image of those.

Facts don't matter, "approved" facts is what matters to them. They disgust me so much. And why are they so eager for news not to cover their buddy Epstein? It might steal valuable time from the climate change "only 10 years left" urgency? It's all for the good cause right?

Wait until we get the short interest on Tesla. Already shorting a company overrun by brainwashed cultists & Robinhood ignorant gamblers. Let's not also join a crowded short.
Don't go against the herd, as dumb as they might be.
In the past century there have been hundreds of stock market and real estate bubbles, stock bubbles happened in particular in "new tech" stocks that mainstream media talks about alot.
In the past century how many bubbles have there been in corporate bonds? Take a guess. Zero. Not one. Tells you everything you have to know.

If Bitcoin taught us something it's that retail is VERY SLOW to understand things and react, especially when it goes against what they want to hear. They can even ignore it. So I expect a downtrend to be slow.
If institutions are the main player in something they are so fast that you can't even get filled so it's not good either :(

Pros to short:
Tesla is not profitable, it's a trash company based on hype and Elon being a manipulative celebrity.
Climate change threat is an obvious lie. Literally takes 15 minutes to debunk 97% of their claims.
Near ath resistance & 1.236 extension of a sucker rally.

Cons to short:
The stock market in general could be entering its last phase, the parabolic run up.
Noobish morons cause bubbles, and will randomly buy anything.
Overcrowded short (we will know this soon).

Short at around 375 with a SL slightly above ath, or sell puts.
Or be long DJI/SPX while short TSLA.
Shorts are still high but they went to their lowest levels in 6 months.


Tesla is 5 billions in subsidies from the climate change scare tactics and no profitability.

Their retail investors have been repeated so many times "times are very grave" and "97% of scientists agree" I don't expect them to change their minds.

"If you repeat a lie often enough it becomes accepted as truth" - Joseph Goebbels

They have been using scare tactics for decades, the media keeps repeating often enough for the lies and misleading claims to be accepted by the herd.

It took me I swear less than 5 seconds to change my mind when I saw the facts, but I am not a pleb like them, thank you jesus. These people are without hope.

It's really insane how childish tricks have worked. "Let's call our opponents climate DENIERS to make them sound really awful" "Let's tell the sheep that anyone that opposes us is paid by big companies and manipulating them with misleading claims so they think we ourselves are not misleading them" "Let's use convinced people with 120 IQ (but not more) to make it look like intelligent (intelligent compared to society average but mentally retarded compared to Soros & friends) people understand this to be true and serious"

Betting against Tesla is the right thing to do but it's hard, it's like expecting peasants in middle age to reject feudalism, to reject the church dogmas, and so on.
It's like expecting brainwashed North Koreans to suddenly realise their lives are ruined by their idol.

You won't end decades of brainwashing with a few facts.
I can predict the future: temperature will keep not going up as it did in the past 20 years and might even go down. Weather extremes will be more frequent and more extreme.


Long agri maybe... And Aerospace.

Facts do not matter. All Elon has to do is throw some magical fairy dust and he'll have them all eating out of his hand.

It would take first the stock market going down, which is probably not going to happen yet, and reality being forced on the cultists.

I am not going to short Tesla, I will watch, but I don't want to go against an irrational brainwashed cult. Not yet.
As we get to 375 maybe bagholders will want to breakeven... Now that would be something. It would be worth shorting as long as there is no big media hype at the time.
Lmao seriously if the greenhouse theory is true and accurate, the ocean with 50 times the co2 concentration of the atmosphere, and you know, all the water, emmm shouldn't it be like 500 million degrees in it?
At least, in lakes that are not very deep... XD

No one had enough braincells to ask this question? Lmao PATHETIC.

I really don't respect these people, they're just inferior apes. Thanks for the money idiots keep working hard for me.

