“Make sure the game your playing is the game your playing.” Take “Sure” out of your vocabulary!
... Mike Green, Logica (READ/LISTEN to all this guy puts out!!!)
Word Salad: Gap Psychology / Inflection Points / Inflation Fookin Deflation / Embedded Optionality / BITCOIN / Matched-Book / Dealer of Last Resort / Liquidity or Collateral / Debt Cycles / Don’t Fight da Fed … Turn off the noise and all narratives have an agenda! Simply look at the environment and start navigating thru it…HEAD Shots ONLY!
Though money is said to be the root of all evil, it is the lack of money that is the root of so many evil symptoms. We should stop scurrying in all directions trying to cure symptoms with treatments that are doomed to fail because they don’t treat the disease.
I don’t focus on short-term calls and am not making a specific call here, other than to point out that the rubber band is stretched pretty far in a few directions. It’s as good a time as any to review your asset allocation, rebalance if appropriate, and not be surprised if we do get higher volatility going forward than we’ve had lately.
"Everything is a Lie, if you get enough people to believe the same lie then it becomes the truth"
Short Term = Deflation / Long Term = Inflation (Core...Real is here already)...USD goes Higher! There is No control folks just probabilities...TBD! Future Trends...Volatility, LF & RT Tail Management...there are no correlations and the ignition mechanism is never known before outcomes...Happy Hunting...See you at Happy Hour!