US Wall St 30

Using the limit-up to your advantage when going short

Fridays tend to be a positive one for Wall st, especially later in the day - with rallies of 900+ points in the last hour for 3 weeks running.
I like to be a long trader, but when the opportunity presents itself for a protected short I can't not take it.

The limit-up is 5%, if you sell before it hits and hold until the open you can see in this case it makes just under 400points, depending on when you sold.
The RSI and CCI are both overbought. Looking for a pullback, even if it is short term, can be profitable.

WallStTraderandCoach - ALWAYS use a stop loss, NEVER move it, ALWAYS put my own money behind a trade.

5+ years of trading solely Wall St, turned 10k into 1M in first year.
Coach, mentor and public speaker.
Exploiting the volatility.

