美元 / 加元

Trade 7, part 2.. Waiting for Elevation


(this is a screenshot from the M15)

Easier said than done...reversals....when, how?..

Do we retrace?

Well...Im taking into account the TFC (time frame continuity), FVG and liquidity runs..and my Strategy ofcourse

Is it enough?..., at this stage we can only make a guess, with added probability
Luckily our guess is 50/50

...the unlucky part is where to place our stop loss...

I see many : " I passed my FTMO in 15 mins" traders...

which is fine....I however are more cautious and adopt a larger SL...I mean....if i take a short SL
I'd have to adjust my pip/Dollar ration anyway....so why stress myself out...

I have to wait longer yes....but it also gives me more time

in any case....

time for a beer

