It has broken Rp 13.8k but not lower enough . My absolute prediction is it won't go down to 12k in anyway, unless Joe made weird regulations and all conservatives marched to streets again. It's all political, i never expect USD to hit lower than 14k IDR, this will never happen in Donald's presidency where USD soared high. It's the truth, Joe is weakening USD and Trump is strengthening USD. But what we care, you and me, is the opportunity to bet right.
To rebound to 14k is really possible. USD is weakening, good time to bet low (sell option), and buy lump sum of USD cash with IDR cash.
Indonesia will have to wait until 2024 to become USD = Rp 15k. Or any riots or chaos happened before, you can bet that it happens every year. When that happened bet high (buy option), sell USD cash. Money changer is your friend.
Any feedback is appreciated. Let's learn to take profit together