Been up since the crack of dawn taking a few points on this pair as it was ripe for an attempted break . . . far stronger than the previous attempt with the 100/200/400SMA (B/G/R) beginning to bunch indicating an imminent BALANCE to IMBALANCE moment as the BULLS try to break out.
Targets are academic today with the new channel and the 5 Day AvDaRa at 135 points +/- but it may get blasted through on a break out so only a temporary marker for the day. Beware . . . at some point it may well try a retest below to shake out weak hands and confirm BULLS in control again, so it's not a given just yet and PRICE at some point will have to do a retouch of the 10/20EMAs (Bk/R) . . . or they catch up either way.
GL :)