market psychology is your safest trading method and then you can combined it with price action and indicators.
Making trading decisions solely on bats, cats and hats against a computer that’s generated them is a losing strategy! Trading divergence is a losing strategy tradingi trendline is a losing strategy,, as these are all accounted for in their system! And all are used against traders! To over come this we know price behaves in certain ways based off its history! When we take that psychology add it to current price action and THEN use the above to agree then we increased our probabilities! As my goal always been to give yal things that work based of this history that they chosen not to including in the trading manual,,
So firstly here as
As made clear thing that are undisputed. Many time!
You have to listen!

1. Most breakout fail
This means price been in a range in channel for a year or more maybe..
Ranges are magnetic!! That range below has a gravitational pull to it..
Price broke out on high vol
Phases of price movement
1. Range
2. Breakout ( successfully taking )
3. Pullback ( if successful)
4 channel
5. Range
6. Continuation or reversal

Price ranges for a few week.
This means the volume has ran out of juice!
Now price broke out of that range which is also a magnet !
There is selling pressure above THATS contribute to the range so the odd are against any breakout so we must keep this in mind right!
Next we must remember as I’m telling you! Most traps occur around a pause in a market that offers a continuation opportunity! This first move and the first pullback is often hunted!! These are the pivotal swings of a m pattern.
The markets knows traders are lusting to get back into the trend. I know yal don’t listen to me anyway cause yal don’t even like my stuff but go and do the same mistake over again is find with me you can continue to be bait! Cus I’ll prove what I say every time Is factual!
BTCUSD after the news price broke out what did trades do all happy the brought invested and what did BTCUSD? Smack It retraced almost all that move up in one drop! Second leg trap!
Eurusd what did it do? Give u a fake inverted hs as traders wanted to do what? Get back in the uptrend and what happen ? Smack! Market went down gbpusd eveyone was waiting for a pullback and what happen ? SMACK! The market went down! But yal don’t like my stuff like I’m lying cool.,go head and chase this market trying to get back into a trend and get smack 🤞🏾

Now for those who actually want to learn! You have to wait and be patient let the market prove that it will continue.
Let it pull back after the first pullback and then you buy the second wave!
Or you watch the first wave knowing that most breakouts will failure and look for the market to trap traders and then you sell into their stop losses.. .. the market will always show itself if you can’t see it in advance just wait for the moment you won’t miss out on anything.
Beyond Technical Analysis
