Dollar Index Basket

USDoller Inverse to SPX & Traditional Markets/

Check out my #USDOLLAR analysis on TradingView/>Great clue to overall markets direction:
>Inverse Correlation continues to hold as reliable market Indicator!!!
>Great for seeing overall markets direction/
>esp. Mainstream traditional markets/

The USDollar Index has been a pretty consistent Indicator of what the markets are doing overall ESP. Mainstream Markets. If dollar goes up markets tend to drop overall and vice versa....

>If you see that Yellow TREND LINE/that's the SPX chart or traditional markets. Yes some inverse correlation with TOTAL and TOTAL3 (Total Crypto Market and Total Crypto Market minus ETH & BTC i.e. ALTs)

Something to pay attention to but remember this is more useful as an OVERALL MACRO INDICATOR then a zoom in and trade the 3 min to 1hr. I like to zoom out so to speak on this one (1day plus) and use it to get an overall feel of the markets direction in a longer term look...

