Market Cap USDT Dominance, %

Crypto USDT Dominance Update & Commentary

- USDT Dominance is currently trading at 4.61%
- USDT Dominance works inversely with the Crypto Market
- If you see USDT Dominance falling and being bearish then are high chances of crypto moving up impulsively
- Current Market Structure of USDT Dominance looks highly bearish
- We can expect USDT Dom to easily fall down to 4.29% and 3.81%
- These 2 zones are highly going to be important because in between that we will also see some sort of upside retracement followed by more downside moves
- I have drawn more downside zones like 2.45% and 1.90% as well where you can expect USDT Dominance to absolutely get slaughtered and this should mark the local end of bull run.
