WTI 原油差價合約

Update on Short Entries & Implementation of Risk Assimilation

All short limits should have filled to a short holding of 1.2 standard contract - averaging $37.325
Position dynamics explained on chart.
I will be implementing the Risk Assimilation matrix outlined on the chart (Black box).
This is a money management technique used to securing a position without the use of stop losses.

Currently place limit sells at
10k @ $38.20
10k @ $38.30
10k @ $38.40

Place limit TPs @ $37.00 for 30k of short holdings, ONLY If ABOVE LIMIT SHORT ENTRIES ARE FILLED.

I will strictly adhere to the following Risk Management requisite:-
Over all position Risk on a $10,000 account will be held between (-12%to -15%). reward from ($37.5 entry --> $32.5 target) around +50% on a 10,000 account.

Take Care & Stay Safe
<38.20-38.40> fill. Position average = $37.52 for 1.5 standard contract.
place TP on 30k @ $37.30

Take Care & Stay Safe
Close 30k at market <$37.40> = $90*3 = $270 in profit
Position average $37.52 for 1.2 standard contract

Take care & Stay Safe
Correction :- that was $10 x 3 = $30 in profit - Not $270
Sorry for the miss calculation. Position average however has been raised to $37.52 and reduced to 1.2 standard lots
Take Care & Stay Safe
Holding a 1.2 standard contract size shorts @ 37.52 average
Add limit short orders as follows:-
10k short @39.10
10k short @ 39.20
10k short @ 39.30

If Above are filled place TP for 30k at $37.80
contract size becomes 1.5 standard contract shorts @ 37.856 average
In this manner we should be raising the short position average again to assimilate risk

Take care & Stay safe
Holding 1 standard contract short averaging $37.826
Add Short Limits as follows
10k@ 39.90
10k@ 39.80
10k@ 39.70
10k@ 39.60

If filled position average becomes $38.37 for 1.4 standard contract- Risk at $40 is -23% (-$2300). Risk @ 440.50 = -30% (-$2982)
Target same @ $32.50

Take care & stay safe.
<$39.60-$39.80> filled, to a contract size = 1.3 averaging $38.25
Remove 10k short entry @ $39.90
Risk assessment remains as outlined above. Target remains @ $32.50

"440.50" above should read "40.50" Sorry for the Typo
Take care & Stay Safe
The position has reached risk @ $40.50 = -30% for 1.3 contract size on a $10,000 account. So I will work to assimilate1/3 the risk.

Place Tp for short holdings $39.60-$39.70-$39.80 @ $39.20
Place Tp for 1 x 10k short acquired at $37.826 also at $39.20

$39.20 is y'day's low, and the lower 1HR BB.

If filled contract size gets reduced to 0.9 at 37.826 average.
Risk @ $40 becomes -$1962 = ~20% on 10,000 account

Targets for 0.9 contract remains the same @ $32.50

Take Care & Stay Safe.
There is a Bear Motive on the 1HR chart now doing a wave-3
Remove TPs @ $39.20
Holding 1.3 contract shorts averaging $37.826 targeting $32.50
Add Short limits @
10k @ $40.10
10k @ $39.90
All to same target $32.50

Take care & Stay Safe
10k @ $39.90 filled to an overall average $37.97 for 1.4 contract size.
take the 10k @ $40.10 limit short down to $39.25
TP for all remains @ $32.50

Take Care & Stay Safe.

