
Why so many projects in Southern India?

I just stated investing in this company and they seem very interesting. I have a lot of hope for good companies in India. Hope your doing well! :). Let me know what you think of a price of $25+?

What ideas do we have to help the company minimize waste and not hurt the environment? Personally I think the best idea is to focus on mining mostly in North Western India until the animals of North Eastern Bangladesh "move". There is a lot of rhinos and other famous animals in Bangladesh and a lot of them can no longer live along the Ganges River (along Northern India new "Lucknow" and the town of "utter").

Anyway, if the company can make sure also not to get too large that will help me too... I think a better plan is to "pre make" smaller mining companies with Pakistani and also Bengali and let them split off and have smaller companies to help their countries... its better to have many good companies then just one and the company can "make money" selling the company to the governments of these respective countries? Provided they do a "public offering" in the states and internationally?

Hope this helps you! :)


