Hello Guys!, I think Vet has just completed wave 3 in yellow circle, and now we are heading to wave 4 yellow circle, wave 4 is an WXY in orange, Wave 4 ideal target is Fib 0.382 of wave 3 and that is around 0.01489, as we can see, Wave W and X has been completed, and now we are looking for wave Y (orange) which normally will be and ABC, A maybe will go down to 0.01688 then a B to 0.01840 then C to around 0.015, Then I think wave 5 should starts! (inshaá Allah)

Buy zone between: 0.01378 - 0.015
Stop: 0.011866

So What do you think guys about this setup?
a Good profit has been reached, hope you booked some!
Right now BTC has finished 1 major wave (3) and 4 is expected, so watchout, this rally could be x of wave 4 therefor Y is expected lower. if BTC start falling this could be TRUE!! Good luck!
VETWave Analysis
