My GENERAL Assumptions:
Market Cap "growth swell" will repeat, roughly timed like JUNE JULY 2017...
This growth will continue to increase available $ supply. Causing waves of buying to move in and out of ALT-COINS.
2017 Saw coin/token values increase largely based on whitepapers(ideas) speculation and greed(FOMO). (This resulted in 10 fold+ growth for a large % of coins).
2018 Will see same speculation based on actual Launch, Failure, or Stagnation of addition to FOMO greed, which will consolidate existing wealth into certain coins and draw in FIAT as winners and losers become apparent.
...I expect a larger 2018 ALT-COIN peak:
based on an already significantly larger available $ supply. So values across the board will increase.
Combined with projects mitigating currently priced in FUD risk by successfully delivering on project/platform/technology launches. In addition, I expect to see a reduction of BTC induced ALT-COIN volatility as more direct FIAT buying services become available. This means the few truly successful novel projects will appreciate astronomically without the burden of BTC price swings...Hopefully you're holding the future Amazons, PayPals, Ebays, etc...
VTCBTC % change forecast in terms of TODAY'S BTCUSD value.
VTCUSD converted in terms of % change.
VTCBTC Adjusted for future value of BTC @ 20k & 30k.
Appreciate any feedback, feel free to like and or follow.
Please be aware only 2 people know the future; I am NOT one of them... PLEASE TRADE AT YOUR OWN RISK