VTC/USD NOV - JAN 4th Map + Bullish prediction.

I need to begin by stating I started charting this out a few weeks back before Christmas.

I stopped on the 22nd of December and didn't have much time to look at things until the 2nd. so there could be important notes and events I've left out unintentionally. As for the prediction, I believe we'll see VTC climb higher in early 2018 due to the information in the notes forecasting events. I have no Crystal ball though so we could see continued sideways trading for a little while longer. It should be important to note that most of VTC's seemingly more important news is just being announced over the new year and is still seemingly rolling out. If Vertbase and Vertpig launch Q1 of 2018 we could see quite a growth for VTC over the next 12 months.

This 'MAP' is mostly for further analysis and consideration of overall market swings and events involving VTC.

