This is in no way, shape or form, fluid and function, an analytical, qualitative or intelligent compte rendu. I am obviously not rich, so obviously I haven't made it with my own thinking, so definitely don't put faith in me. This was done as a request, but is not suggested. OTC markets are scary and I cannot even do a good analysis on VXIT as I have no clue what the true underlying business is. I cannot tell if this is a fake company made to play the OTC game, or what. The original company, Poverty-Dignified, wouldn't make much sense to do anything it is currently doing, and everything it looks like it does online looks like a scam. Big oof.
Chart Analysis
OTC markets are largely run by day-traders and swing-traders, many who believe only TA dictates the price. I would be so completely unsurprised if someone tries to pump it to its old high or beyond depending on the underlying investor-base. Play at your own risk, because this one is a game, not much more. Good luck y'all.