Wilshire 5000 Price Index

Brutal Truth: War is Good for Biz across the M.I.C.

Reflecting on war through industrial eyes. Ukraine's never ending conflict has been good for business across the Military Industrial Compex, across the globe. The threat of an expansionist China has led to wholesale changes in the historically sidelined Japanese military base https://www.perplexity.ai/search/Ansswer-in-5-KvDYOSEmT4iUWlt1yi8HEQ#2 and business is booming from Mitsubishi Industrial to Rolls Royce to GE Aerospace down the line to various ETF's shown here. Since Jan 2022, pre-Ukraine 2.0 war, you can see the outperformance of these stocks vs. the broadest Wilshire 5000 price index. Expect more. And that includes the laggard that most people don't realize is 50% government/military----- Boeing!
