
How To: See Which Stocks Are Exploding In The Pre-Market

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Just as a bit of an addon to my WallStreetBets Stonks video, this is a view of how you can see which stocks are moving up most aggressively in the pre-market.

Previous video that this one is a follow up to.

HOW TO: Trading the WallStreetBets Stonks with Cascading Stops

I added this in a comment below and it is probably an important consideration if you want to try this approach.

With TradeStation I can only buy 1.5 hours pre-market, but with Interactive Brokers I can buy around 4 to 4.5 hours pre-market. I think a lot of the WallStreet Apes are using WeBull and that also supports 4-4.5 hours of pre-market trade so I think that allows quite a lot of the move to already happen even before it open in the market.

I like TradeStations integration with TradingView as per this video, but longer pre-market hours would certainly help I think.

It might be a better strategy if using TradeStation to look buy in the post market to already be in the market when it open the next morning...

