黃金現貨 / 美元

RIGHT NOW #131, 2730 ON 9/24-26, SEPTEMBER HIGH 2768 ON 9/29-30

All the recent extrapolations are converging round red. Here are notes I added in my group:

1) on 9/12 I promised 2640 and 2720 by 10/01
2) those targets are still good and in fact outright favorites
3) I only have 1 question in my mind, and that is
4) what is the September high, is it:
a) 2730
b) 2768 (my call, only bc it's in the middle)
c) 2805 (monthly max vol)
5) and the price action for the next 17 hours...
6) is the only factor left that can this 2768 number

