Investing to achieve the top ten trading skills to make money

1. Do not rely on luck alone in gold investment

When you make profits frequently, don’t be careless. You must make an investment plan for each operation, and do a good job of technical analysis to grasp the entry and exit points. If you lose 2,000 U.S. dollars in one investment, you can make a profit of 3,000 U.S. dollars in another investment. USD, although the total amount of your account is increasing, but don’t be self-righteous. It may be just your luck or your risk of winning with the largest investment amount. Duan Xiongwei thinks that you should operate with caution and adjust your operation strategy in due course.

2. Use demo account to learn gold investment

Beginners should study patiently and step by step. Don't compare with others, because everyone needs different learning time and different investment experience. In the simulated investment learning process, the main goal is to develop personal operating strategies and mentality. When your profit probability increases and the profit amount gradually increases, it means that you can open a real investment account for gold investment.

3. Do not operate against the trend

You can only go long in a rising wave, and you can only go short in a falling wave, as long as the market does not have a major reversal. Remember not to operate against the trend! Don't feel sorry for a callback of several yuan at a time, just ambush at the support level of the callback. The market will not be shifted by human will, the market will only extend according to market laws.

4. Learn to implement the investment strategy thoroughly, and don't find excuses to overturn the original decision

Investing is the most fatal mistake that will destroy everything. When your loss has expanded to 30% of the funds you made, you start to find excuses not to admit the loss and close the position after the loss. Thinking that the market may turn around at once? When you continue When you have this idea, you will not have the heart to end the position where the loss continues to expand, but will only irrationally wait for the market to turn around.

5. Strictly stop losses to reduce risks

When you make an investment, you should establish a tolerable loss range and make good use of stop loss investment so as not to cause huge losses. The loss range depends on the account funds. It is best to set it at 3-10% of the total account. When the loss amount has reached Your tolerance limit, Duan Xiongwei believes that don’t look for excuses and try to wait for the market to turn around, you should close the position immediately, even if the market does turn around after 5 minutes, don’t be tactful, because you have removed the risk that the market will continue to turn bad and the loss will expand infinitely . You must formulate an investment strategy, and remember that it is you who control the investment, rather than letting the investment control you and hurt yourself.

6. Mistakes are inevitable, we must learn from them and never repeat the same mistakes

Mistakes and losses are inevitable. Don’t blame yourself. The important thing is to learn from them and avoid making the same mistakes again. The sooner you learn to accept losses and learn from them, the sooner you will make profits. In addition, Duan Xiongwei felt that he had to learn to control his emotions, not to be overjoyed because he made 8,000, and not to hit the wall because he lost 2,000.

7. You are your own worst enemy

The biggest enemy of an investor is himself - greed, impatience, out-of-control emotions, lack of defense, excessive ego, etc. It is easy for you to ignore market trends and lead to wrong investment decisions. Don't invest simply because you haven't entered the market for a long time or are bored. There is no certain standard here to stipulate how much you must invest in a certain period. Even if you only open one position within 2-3 days, the investment will make a profit of 1,000 US dollars to 3000 US dollars means that your decision is correct and there is nothing wrong with it.

8. Sufficient investment funds

The smaller the account amount, the greater the investment risk. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid letting the investment account only have a single-handed amount. It is not allowed to make a mistake with a single-handed account amount. However, even experienced investors may make mistakes in judgment. .

Nine, refer to other people's experience and opinions, and be an open-minded investor

Investment decisions should be based on your own analysis of the market, technical graphics and feelings, and then refer to other people's opinions. If your analysis results are the same as others, that's fine; if they are different, don't be too nervous. However, if the analysis results are really too different, but you begin to doubt your own analysis, it is best not to make real investments at this time, but only use a simulated account. If you are very confident in your decision, don't hesitate, just do it, at most the prediction will be right, if your prediction is wrong, find out where the mistake is.

Ten, don't have an investment mentality that is eager to turn around

In the face of a loss, remember not to rush to open a new reverse position in an attempt to turn around, as this will often only make the situation worse. Only when you think that the original forecast and decision are completely wrong, you can close the loss position as soon as possible and open a new reverse position. Don't play guessing games with market changes. It is better to miss investment opportunities than to incur losses.
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