AC accelator on daily chart is red ,this mean seller can comes (trend -)
AC on 1hour chart is green can 1-2 candel move up ,when it turn red,can push gold downer

2 scenario for today can comes
1-touch 1885 then fly up (buylimit with sl=low 1872 trailstop=10.00$)
2- break 1880 and go to 1850(buylimit place) if this buy open,hold it 10-20 day until 1960 or above (our target is 2400$)

we strangly advice be carefull from sell ,very risky 100% put SL and dont remove,each second gold can fly up wild

for pro traders with above 7 year exprience :
for next days we belive germany index dax FDAX1! can fly up to 15800 -16000 ,,,,in downer price silver have buy too , bitcoin after break 42000 have l(ongterm hold) buy ....monitor them

good luck
GCGC1! (Gold Futures)gc_futGoldTechnical Indicators
