黃金現貨 / 美元

The Great Swami had another Prediction in His Crystal Ball ???

That was the last target in the Crystal, the Big Blue Orb ??? The Great Swami did give me a cryptic clue
though ??? He would only let me travel to the Moon and that Angry Red Planet Mars for my Fifty Bucks, but
the mysterious cryptic clue was the letter N ???
Reposted 7/19 I ask the Great Swami what is that Big Blue Orb ??? He told me my Fifty bucks only gets me to Mars ! If i want to travel to the Big Blue Orb, it will cost another Fifty bucks ??? Yes the Great Swami is absolutely correct a catch of a small fortune is too be made in the near term future ??? :-) :-) :-)
Reposted 7/19 Comment: The Great fortunetelling Swami has three targets sighted in on his crystal ball ???
1st is a possible moon shot $1824.5 - $1833 ???
2nd is a possible Mars landing $1846 - $1886 ???
3rd is the Big Blue Orb .???
The Great Swami see's a catch of a small fortune; Distant travels in the pursuit of the unknown & mysterious Big Blue Orb or Planet.
Hey Guys and Girls out there in Big Black Mirror, i just might have to pawny-up that extra Fifty Bucks, to the Great Swami to get a glimpse into the future ???
Any how i'll keep you'll informed if i solve the cryptic clue or i revisit my favorite fortune teller ??? But for the present time; hold on to your shorts :-) it's going to be one tarnation of a space odyssey ???
Yes i went ahead and paid off my favorite Fortuneteller, The Great Swami the extra Fifty Bucks he required to give me the in exchange on the mysterious of the Big Blue Orb ???
The Great Swami said it is the mysterious planet "NIBIRU". The Swami said i don't have to travel to NIBIRU it will come to us causing earthquakes & volatility and chaos in everything we do on earth ??? He also mentioned in a trance-like - state of Angry Red Planet to follow called Kachina ??? Just like in my Space odyssey art-work ???
I'm thinKing ??? earthquakes ; volatility; chaos!!! Don your PPE Tighten and Shore Up and possible leaks or holes in your business affairs, and get ready for the mayhem !!! :-(
I asked the Great Swami why i can't see the Big Blue Orb with my telescope he said that the mysterious planet is in the third dimension he said it appearance is fleeting and can only be seen at certain times just for a few seconds when it's dimension collides with earth's dimension ???

