My wife has been dogging me for the last couple of weeks for starring at my computer all day. I have been so fascinated with the rapid daily rise and falls of the crypto ICO's. It's like one big game, you either winning or you losing and that can happen very fast!!! Since I've been doing this for the last couple of weeks, it has really taken me off the market of personal growth. Although, I enjoy starring at the charts all day, the problem is that it's become an obsession. Prior to this recent obsession, I was a big reader of leadership or business strategy books. I have not picked up a book since. LoL! As a new investor in crypto i find myself starring at the screen in hopes that it will make the stock go up!! Not true, lol! So i decided to mix up my strategy up a little. As i patiently wait on my return, I decided to journal and read crypt investment strategies. Starring at the screen all day took me off the market for personal growth. So i would like to encourage other newbies to continue to invest in yourself. Become a better trader by continuing to grow. Hope this helps someone.