In this idea you can clearly see a breakout at 322, (I mean march 22),
If you are informed about freemasonry and secret societies, you know XRP is controlled as all this garbage but is centralized, aside it, you must know this controll is carried out throug occult language which based on numbers, infamous numbers.
322 Skull and Bones is a secret society.
In this idea you can clearly see a breakout at 1217, (I mean December 17)
December 17 is no more than the begining of Saturnalia, The ancient Roman festival of Saturn in December. If you are informed about the pagan roman festivals you'll clearly see a relationship with some movements in cryptocurrencies and off course secret societies.
As we live in a system you must understand systems are designed over numbers, their functioning is based on numbers, now go and try yourself to figure it out.
I hope you get funny with this puzzle. Will xrp be 3x,6x or 9x? and when?