
XRP will retrace to its base base support price

I am expecting it to go back to the 0.25/.029 euro range in due time... BITCOIN situation must resolve. ETF approval pending weighing heavily on it. BTC technical and security and regulatory issues remain to be resolved thus i am guessing this one ETF will not be approved, furthermore, there will not be a bull run this year unless... Trump and the repubicans lose the midterms.
So as i was saying, it will trace back
On its way to the 0.27 euro mark, it will bounce up and down along with BTC but will eventually revisit the 0.25/0.27/0.29 euros
Well, I believe that XRP will keep decreasing even further but I think it did touch 0.28 euro overnight. Took two weeks but finally got it right. Thank you for all your followers....not I hope you lost it all it is what you deserve for listening to those who have no fucking clue what they are doing.

Surely it will touch .27 during the day. Will bounce tomorrow and Tuesday and will take another dip on Wednesday to lower lows.
will touch 0.23 euro tomorrow 28/11/2018

