
The trendline that keeps on keeping on giving!

So here we have my minimum price prediction for Xrp come 2031! I believe that minimum price WILL BE $7 and no less in 8 years! This trendline has been just paying everyone in Xrp since Xrp's inception.

I don't see this stopping anytime soon especially for Xrp's adoption in the next 8 years!

You can be safe in the knowledge of how much you'd like to invest into Xrp and/or dollar cost average in.

If prices tend to go higher than the minimum forecast for 2031 in the nearest future.. over the next year or two would probably be a good time to consider selling a portion (or percentage) of your Xrp. Don't ever let your earnings go back into the downturn if there's such good opportunity to sell at lucrative highs. So this would be a good guideline to follow so you don't miss out on potential future profits.

Happy earnings and prepare now.

