
XRP = Trump and Digital Yuan = Biden?

It's a bit of a departure today from my series on XRP (up to 57 videos!) but wanted to highlight the parallels I believe to be emerging as far as XRP being associated with the Trump administration and Biden now against XRP, presumably linked with the Digital Yuan.

If you've been paying attention, you probably know who Judy Shelton is, who Brian Brooks is, and that they're both linked to and appointed by Trump in regards to currencies; JS at the Fed, and BB at the Treasury. You probably know that JS indicated that gold could be distributed "in a cryptocurrency sort of way" and that BB is set to release guidance for banks in the very near future as it applies to crypto, and how to interact with the US Treasury moving forward.

Ken Kurson is a Ripple board member, and less than a week after his appointment, XRP skyrocketed from .005 to 3.30 in just under 2 years- Ken Kurson is very closely linked with Jared Kushner, and many including myself believe this will be the bridge currency JS & BB are talking about in a cryptic way.

I've theorized for a while that many of Trump's international deals have digital currency implications baked into them as well. The Chinese deal looked to go through, but it didn't, and with it began impeachment, Coronavirus, and talk about the Digital Yuan.

At this point, I believe we're watching a digital currency cold war emerge between China & the US- with XRP right in the middle of it.

I suspect that if Trump wins, we'll see XRP climb, and particularly based on Biden's advisor's comments, if Biden wins, XRP could be deemed a security and squashed.

