As we all know, there's a group of people that will never be held accountable, that regulators will never bother, for whom 'ethical standards' do not exist, that constantly, and consistently manipulate the price of XRP to the downside while the vast majority of traders are tucked in bed asleep, clueless and oblivious, why their stop-losses are taken out, and in most cases long positions are being completely liquidated, and the majority of their hare-earned profits are stolen from them by large accounts.
It's called 'the dreaded 4 o'clock candle of death' for those of you aren't aware.
Even though every transaction is clearly registered on the blockchain for the world to see. Even though we can all see the accounts responsible. Even though it's clear manipulation, and clearly illegal.. NOTHING WILL EVER BE DONE ABOUT IT!
Pack your bags, accept your losses and move on because money isn't the name of the game - 'control' is!
P.S. Never leave your position open overnight if you're trading with leverage, because 'THEY' will come for your profits, and nothing will ever stop it, it will never change, it's just how the game is played - more for 'THEM' and less for everybody else.
Welcome to the unregulated wild-wild-west of trading.