
Its going up for now, but we all know what's coming.

I have this weird feeling I know what the XRP whales are doing... We know that miners used leverage to force a long squeeze on Eth and Btc, could the outrageous price action XRP has seen lately be the result of massive leveraged market manipulation in the effort to convince the long-time XRP bulls who have been swept away by the drug, or I mean coin, ever since the first couple booms it had, after which it became one of the most stagnant coins until now. And what's driving it? SEC lawsuits? Yeah, not a good look. It's going up now. You will make money. But this baby is going to crash and burn and I am pretty sure the people manipulating the market are going to be buying MASSIVE shorts.

Notice when the last big boom ended. Hell, notice when it hit the absolute bottom. New Years. I can't be the first to notice this. This must be coordinated. Bears are attacking... a piece of garbage, I don't care actually. But shorting needs to stop clearly and its obvious that leveraged trading is messing up the crypto markets hard. That I care about.

take the brown acid
