Fundamental Development Oil was up on Friday morning in Asia, recovering from an earlier drop. However, worries about an economic downturn that could affect fuel demand persisted, alongside concerns over the latest European Union (EU) sanctions against Russia. Brent oil futures rose 0.54% to $111. In addition, WTI futures rose 0.57% to $108.88. U.S. stocks tumbled, a trend that mostly followed in Asia, as investors avoided risk over worries that the U.S. Federal Reserve could hike interest rates further in 2022. The central bank hiked its interest rate to 1% on Wednesday as it handed down its latest policy decision. The Bank of England also warned on Thursday that the U.K. risks a double-whammy of a recession and inflation above 10%. The central bank hiked its interest rate to 1%, the highest since 2009, as it handed down its own policy decision.

Short Term Technical View: In 1-hour chart, XTIUSD is trading middle line of Bollinger band indicator. RSI indicator also showing bullishness above 50 level, and XTIUSD is trading yesterday pivot level 107.71. As per the 1-hour chart buy on dip, strategy is good for XTIUSD. As per my view, XTIUSD buy range is 106.25 to 105.90 and there is very strong support zone at 105.

Alternative Scenario: If XTIUSD will trade below support level 106.45 in U.S. Session so it will be, give great opportunity to sell with the target of 104.25 with the stop loss of 107.55

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