
ZKFair Bottom vs Bull-Market vs Low—High Profits (17000% Pot.)

Notice here after the drop, the market goes sideways. After going sideways we do not get another "drop," what we have is a bottom pattern. After the a bottom we get a reversal. A reversal signals the start of a new trend.

A new trend is an uptrend and an uptrend means higher prices.
Higher prices means that there is money to be made.
Money to be made means that we have to take action.
The action we take is simply to buy and hold.

This sequence of events will lead to a positive scenario where we start with a certain amount of Crypto and end up with more. Low risk vs a high potential for reward.

The risk is low because the pair is trading at bottom prices. Once we hit bottom, there isn't much lower to go.

Potential for reward is high because we are approaching a bull-market. From bottom to top growth can reach off-the chart. Other worldly growth.

The targets on the chart show potential up to 17,000%.
We have 3900%, 10,300% followed by ~17,000%.

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