US30, 10d+/14.61上升周期 大於10天 14.61%
rising cycle 14.61% more than 10 days.
此數據為機器人分析。 根據亞當理論分析歷史趨勢(20移動平均線/60移動平均線/120移動平均線/240移動平均線),估計未來 10 天的趨勢。 白線為機器人預期價格,上下橫線為止損止盈價,無財務根據,結果僅供參考。
This data is analyzed by robots. Analyze historical trends based on The Adam Theory of Markets (20 moving averages/60 moving averages/120 moving averages/240 moving averages) and estimate the trend in the next 10 days. The white line is the robot's expected price, and the upper and lower horizontal line stop loss and stop profit prices have no financial basis. The results are for reference only.
US30, 8d/-5.15%下降週期 8天 -5.15%
falling cycle -5.15% in 8 days.
此數據為機器人分析。 根據亞當理論分析歷史趨勢(20移動平均線/60移動平均線/120移動平均線/240移動平均線),估計未來 10 天的趨勢。 白線為機器人預期價格,上下橫線為止損止盈價,無財務根據,結果僅供參考。
This data is analyzed by robots. Analyze historical trends based on The Adam Theory of Markets (20 moving averages/60 moving averages/120 moving averages/240 moving averages) and estimate the trend in the next 10 days. The white line is the robot's expected price, and the upper and lower horizontal line stop loss and stop profit prices have no financial basis. The results are for reference only.
us30, 9d/-8.63%下降週期 9天 -8.63%
falling cycle -8.63% in 9 days.
此數據為機器人分析。 根據亞當理論分析歷史趨勢(20移動平均線/60移動平均線/120移動平均線/240移動平均線),估計未來 10 天的趨勢。 白線為機器人預期價格,上下橫線為止損止盈價,無財務根據,結果僅供參考。
This data is analyzed by robots. Analyze historical trends based on The Adam Theory of Markets (20 moving averages/60 moving averages/120 moving averages/240 moving averages) and estimate the trend in the next 10 days. The white line is the robot's expected price, and the upper and lower horizontal line stop loss and stop profit prices have no financial basis. The results are for reference only.
US30, 8d/5.39%上升週期 8天 5.39%
rising cycle 5.39% in 5 days.
此數據為機器人分析。 根據亞當理論分析歷史趨勢(20移動平均線/60移動平均線/120移動平均線/240移動平均線),估計未來 10 天的趨勢。 白線為機器人預期價格,上下橫線為止損止盈價,無財務根據,結果僅供參考。
This data is analyzed by robots. Analyze historical trends based on The Adam Theory of Markets (20 moving averages/60 moving averages/120 moving averages/240 moving averages) and estimate the trend in the next 10 days. The white line is the robot's expected price, and the upper and lower horizontal line stop loss and stop profit prices have no financial basis. The results are for reference only.
US30, 10d+/26.95%上漲週期 大於10天 26.95%
rising cycles 26.95% more than 10 days.
此數據為機器人分析。 根據亞當理論分析歷史趨勢(20移動平均線/60移動平均線/120移動平均線/240移動平均線),估計未來 10 天的趨勢。 白線為機器人預期價格,上下橫線為止損止盈價,無財務根據,結果僅供參考。
This data is analyzed by robots. Analyze historical trends based on The Adam Theory of Markets (20 moving averages/60 moving averages/120 moving averages/240 moving averages) and estimate the trend in the next 10 days. The white line is the robot's expected price, and the upper and lower horizontal line stop loss and stop profit prices have no financial basis. The results are for reference only.
US30, 7d/-8.37%下跌週期 七天 -8.37%
falling cycle 8.37% in 7 days.
此數據為機器人分析。 根據亞當理論分析歷史趨勢(20移動平均線/60移動平均線/120移動平均線/240移動平均線),估計未來 10 天的趨勢。 白線為機器人預期價格,上下橫線為止損止盈價,無財務根據,結果僅供參考。
This data is analyzed by robots. Analyze historical trends based on The Adam Theory of Markets (20 moving averages/60 moving averages/120 moving averages/240 moving averages) and estimate the trend in the next 10 days. The white line is the robot's expected price, and the upper and lower horizontal line stop loss and stop profit prices have no financial basis. The results are for reference only.
US30, 10d+/-15.81%下降週期 大於10天 -15.81%
falling cycle -15.81% more than 10 days.
此數據為機器人分析。 根據亞當理論分析歷史趨勢(20移動平均線/60移動平均線/120移動平均線/240移動平均線),估計未來 10 天的趨勢。 白線為機器人預期價格,上下橫線為止損止盈價,無財務根據,結果僅供參考。
This data is analyzed by robots. Analyze historical trends based on The Adam Theory of Markets (20 moving averages/60 moving averages/120 moving averages/240 moving averages) and estimate the trend in the next 10 days. The white line is the robot's expected price, and the upper and lower horizontal line stop loss and stop profit prices have no financial basis. The results are for reference only.
BTC、ETH、TAIXE、US30、NAS100、S&P500 全面走空!最近實在是太忙~
有進入我們 DC 群的朋友完全不受影響~
現在基本上都放給 EA 自動執行,
現貨、合約 都已經開放給用戶免費體驗~
04/26 D1 轉紫色燈號!
最大跌幅:19.23 %
最大浮贏:777,569 小點
04/28 D1 轉紫色燈號!
最大跌幅:18.23 %
最大浮贏:52,654 小點
03/08 D1 轉紫色燈號!
最大跌幅:5.59 %
最大浮贏:95,108 小點
05/09 D1 轉紫色燈號!
最大跌幅:1.59 %
最大浮贏:5,214 小點
04/25 D1 轉紫色燈號!
最大跌幅:7.15 %
最大浮贏:9,520 點
04/27 D1 轉紫色燈號!
最大跌幅:2.62 %
最大浮贏:1,086 點
計算 顆(手)數 乘以 點數,
#看得懂價值 #非追逐價格
#股票 #期貨 #外匯 #加密貨幣
#以專業捍衛信仰 #用實力碾壓一切
US30, 10d+/17.14%上升週期 大於10天 17.14%
rising cycle 17.4% more than 10 days.
此數據為機器人分析。 根據亞當理論分析歷史趨勢(20移動平均線/60移動平均線/120移動平均線/240移動平均線),估計未來 10 天的趨勢。 白線為機器人預期價格,上下橫線為止損止盈價,無財務根據,結果僅供參考。
This data is analyzed by robots. Analyze historical trends based on The Adam Theory of Markets (20 moving averages/60 moving averages/120 moving averages/240 moving averages) and estimate the trend in the next 10 days. The white line is the robot's expected price, and the upper and lower horizontal line stop loss and stop profit prices have no financial basis. The results are for reference only.
US30, 10d+/10.58%上漲週期 10天 10.58%
rising cycle 10.58% more thna 10 days.
此數據為機器人分析。 根據亞當理論分析歷史趨勢(20移動平均線/60移動平均線/120移動平均線/240移動平均線),估計未來 10 天的趨勢。 白線為機器人預期價格,上下橫線為止損止盈價,無財務根據,結果僅供參考。
This data is analyzed by robots. Analyze historical trends based on The Adam Theory of Markets (20 moving averages/60 moving averages/120 moving averages/240 moving averages) and estimate the trend in the next 10 days. The white line is the robot's expected price, and the upper and lower horizontal line stop loss and stop profit prices have no financial basis. The results are for reference only.
US30, 8d/-8.41%下降週期 8天 -8.4%
falling cycle -8.4% in 8 days.
此數據為機器人分析。 根據亞當理論分析歷史趨勢(20移動平均線/60移動平均線/120移動平均線/240移動平均線),估計未來 10 天的趨勢。 白線為機器人預期價格,上下橫線為止損止盈價,無財務根據,結果僅供參考。
This data is analyzed by robots. Analyze historical trends based on The Adam Theory of Markets (20 moving averages/60 moving averages/120 moving averages/240 moving averages) and estimate the trend in the next 10 days. The white line is the robot's expected price, and the upper and lower horizontal line stop loss and stop profit prices have no financial basis. The results are for reference only.
US30, 9d/-7.52%下降週期 9天 -7.52%
falling cycle -7.52% in 9 days.
此數據為機器人分析。 根據亞當理論分析歷史趨勢(20移動平均線/60移動平均線/120移動平均線/240移動平均線),估計未來 10 天的趨勢。 白線為機器人預期價格,上下橫線為止損止盈價,無財務根據,結果僅供參考。
This data is analyzed by robots. Analyze historical trends based on The Adam Theory of Markets (20 moving averages/60 moving averages/120 moving averages/240 moving averages) and estimate the trend in the next 10 days. The white line is the robot's expected price, and the upper and lower horizontal line stop loss and stop profit prices have no financial basis. The results are for reference only.
US30, 6d/3.03%上升週期 6天 3.03%
rising cycle 3.03% in 6 days.
此數據為機器人分析。 根據亞當理論分析歷史趨勢(20移動平均線/60移動平均線/120移動平均線/240移動平均線),估計未來 10 天的趨勢。 白線為機器人預期價格,上下橫線為止損止盈價,無財務根據,結果僅供參考。
This data is analyzed by robots. Analyze historical trends based on The Adam Theory of Markets (20 moving averages/60 moving averages/120 moving averages/240 moving averages) and estimate the trend in the next 10 days. The white line is the robot's expected price, and the upper and lower horizontal line stop loss and stop profit prices have no financial basis. The results are for reference only.
US30, 10d+/33892~32226區間整理 大於10天 33892~32226
shaking at 33892~32226 more than 10 days.
此數據為機器人分析。 根據亞當理論分析歷史趨勢(20移動平均線/60移動平均線/120移動平均線/240移動平均線),估計未來 10 天的趨勢。 白線為機器人預期價格,上下橫線為止損止盈價,無財務根據,結果僅供參考。
This data is analyzed by robots. Analyze historical trends based on The Adam Theory of Markets (20 moving averages/60 moving averages/120 moving averages/240 moving averages) and estimate the trend in the next 10 days. The white line is the robot's expected price, and the upper and lower horizontal line stop loss and stop profit prices have no financial basis. The results are for reference only.
烏、俄 開戰~行情大波動!烏、俄 今早宣佈開戰~
黃金、原油 大漲!
指數、加密貨幣 大跌!
US30 H4 在 02/14 亮起紫色燈號!
< 價位 34,651.3 佈局空單!>
現價 32,400.8 跌幅約 6.9 %!
US100 H4 在 02/14 亮起紫色燈號!
< 價位 14,257.2 佈局空單!>
現價 13,156.5 跌幅約 8.12 %
S&p500 H4 在 02/14 亮起紫色燈號!
< 價位 4,370.4 佈局空單!>
現價 4,136 跌幅約 5.82 %
JP225 H4 在 02/15 亮起紫色燈號!
< 價位 27,044.8 佈局空單!>
現價 25,843.1 跌幅約 4.82 %
BTCUSDT H4 在 02/18 亮起紫色燈號!
< 價位 40,665.81 佈局空單!>
現價 34,958.32 跌幅約 15.06 %
ETHUSDT H4 在 02/19 亮起紫色燈號!
< 價位 2,800.46 佈局空單!>
現價 2,390.22 跌幅約 16.04 %
XAUUSD H4 在 02/08 亮起藍色燈號!
< 價位 1,820.14 佈局多單!>
現價 1,939.6 漲幅約 6.94 %
WTIUSD D1 在 01/11 亮起藍色燈號!
< 價位 80.76 佈局多單!>
現價 95.71 漲幅約 24.3 %
XBRUSD D1 在 01/11 亮起藍色燈號!
< 價位 80.87 佈局多單!>
現價 97.98 漲幅約 22.71 %
US30、NAS100、S&P500 美指系列檯子軟~FOMC 陸陸續續放消息,
股市、加密貨幣 全部收割了一波,
US30 在 01/10 亮起紫色燈號!
到昨天最低點 33,150.4,
現價跌幅高達 8.56 %!
NAS100 在 01/06 亮起紫色燈號!
到昨天最低點 13,721,
現價跌幅更高達 12.99 %!
S&P500 在 01/19 亮起紫色燈號!
到昨天最低點 4,222,
現價跌幅高達 7.70 %!
而且最近這幾天 D1 也陸續轉空!
但,需注意星期四 FOMC 利率公布!
US30, 8d/-6.56%下降週期 8天 -6.56%
falling cycle -6.56% in 8 days.
此數據為機器人分析。 根據亞當理論分析歷史趨勢(20 條移動平均線/60 條移動平均線/120 條移動平均線/240 條移動平均線),估計未來 10 天的趨勢。 白線為機器人預期價格,上下橫線為止損止盈價,無財務根據,結果僅供參考。
This data is analyzed by robots. Analyze historical trends based on The Adam Theory of Markets (20 moving averages/60 moving averages/120 moving averages/240 moving averages) and estimate the trend in the next 10 days. The white line is the robot's expected price, and the upper and lower horizontal line stop loss and stop profit prices have no financial basis. The results are for reference only.